Upper and lower Blepharoplasty

What is Eyelid surgery or Blepharoplasty?

Eyelid surgery (known as blepharoplasty) is a corrective facial plastic surgery procedure that can improve many signs of aging and fatigue around the eyes. The eyes are commonly the first thing people notice about you, so wrinkles, lines, and puffiness around the eyes are primary factors that can contribute to a tired or aged facial appearance. Blepharoplasty is performed to restore a youthful aesthetic in the eyes by tightening and smoothing upper eyelid skin, reducing dark circles and “bags” under the eyes, and diminishing wrinkles for a more refreshed and rejuvenated look in the upper face. Depending on your cosmetic goals, the procedure can be performed on the upper and/or lower eyelids.

What Can Eyelid Surgery Do For Me?

Eyelid surgery can be an effective and long-lasting way to achieve a younger-looking appearance around the eyes. In general, the procedure can:

• Reduce excess skin in the upper eyelids

• Reduce pockets of fat in the upper or lower eyelids

• Tighten lax musculature and skin for minimized eyelid drooping or “hooding”

• Minimize puffiness and dark circles under the lower eyelids

• Improve the appearance of wrinkles and lines around the eyes

Who is a Candidate for Eyelid Surgery?

For those concerned with visible indicators of age or fatigue around the eyes, blepharoplasty can be an ideal way to achieve a more refreshed look in the upper face. As facial skin begins to lose elasticity and become lax, fatty deposits can also accumulate in the upper eyelids and create a substantial degree of eyelid drooping that may interfere with your field of vision—this is known as upper eyelid “hooding.” Individuals who exhibit upper eyelid hooding generally benefit greatly from blepharoplasty, as the surgery can allow them to restore their full scope of vision. Candidates for surgery may also exhibit other signs of aging and exhaustion around the eyes, including:

• Dark circles, bags, or puffiness under the eyes

• Fine lines or wrinkles surrounding the eyelids

• Lax or sagging skin that creates folds in the upper eyelids

• Drooping lower eyelids that expose white below the iris

Whether these characteristics are a result of aging, sun exposure, genetics, or other factors, blepharoplasty is designed to tighten lax muscles, remove excess skin, and reposition fatty deposits in the upper and/or lower eyelids to create a more rested and invigorated look.

How is Eyelid Surgery Performed?

The procedure uses tiny incisions made in the natural contours of the eyes. “Dr. Tawk” will usually work on the upper eyelids first to remove any fatty tissue and tighten loose skin and musculature. If both eyelids are being treated, the lower eyelids are addressed next to eliminate puffiness and reduce dark circles under the eyes. The surgery generally takes about one to two hours and is performed at a same-day surgery facility.

Upper Eyelid Surgery

Signs of aging in the upper eyelids usually appear in the form of loose skin, lax musculature, and a buildup of fatty deposits that culminate to create a drooping or “hooding” aesthetic look. To correct this, excess skin and fat is removed while lax eyelid skin and musculature are tightened. Incisions are made in the natural crease of the upper lid for discreet and natural-looking improvement.

Lower Eyelid Surgery

Lower eyelid blepharoplasty is designed to address puffiness below the eyes, along with the appearance of dark circles and “eye-bags.” A small incision is made in the lower lash line, through will be able to remove excess skin and reposition fat for a more energetic and youthful look.

What is Recovery Like for Eyelid Surgery?

Normally, post-operative instructions call for plenty of rest and limited movement in order to speed up the healing process and reduce the recovery time. Patients sometimes report minor discomfort associated with surgery, which can be treated with oral pain medication. Bruising and swelling after blepharoplasty generally dissipate within 7-14 days. While complications are rare, patients can minimize the risk for potential problems by carefully following the post-operative directions given after the surgery. The healing process for this procedure is approximately one week or longer, depending on whether eyelid surgery was combined with another procedure. For most patients, exercise should be avoided for two weeks.