
What is Rhinoplasty?

Nose surgery—also referred to as rhinoplasty—is a facial plastic surgery procedure designed to reshape the nose to create a more favorable and proportional facial aesthetic. Rhinoplasty is one of the most popular surgical procedures. The operation typically involves removing and sculpting an individual’s nasal tissues in order to reduce the size of the nose and create an improved facial balance. In some cases, rhinoplasty can also be utilized to improve breathing function through the nasal passages. Results of the procedure are unique to each individual, depending on factors such as age, anatomical nasal and facial structure, genetic inheritances, and the thickness and condition of a patient’s skin. Nose surgery generally allows individuals to achieve improved facial proportions and an enhanced overall appearance.

Every person has unique reasons for considering rhinoplasty, some of which may include:

• To make the nose and facial features more proportional

• To reduce the size or width of a nose that appears large or wide

• To correct a hump, bump, or an overly arched or “Roman” nose

• To remove a “ball” on the tip of the nose≥

• To reshape a nose tip that appears crooked or pointed

• To perform secondary surgery following a previous rhinoplasty

What Can Rhinoplasty Address?

Depending on your anatomy, rhinoplasty can improve a number of issues concerning:

• The nasal bridge— nose surgery can achieve more harmonious facial features by correcting bumps in the nasal bridge, straightening a crooked bridge, or making the nasal bridge thinner or wider.

• The nasal tip— rhinoplasty can reshape the nasal tip to appear wider or more narrow, as well as raise or lower the angle of the tip.

• The nostrils— when nostrils appear overly prominent or slight in comparison to the rest of the facial features, surgical enhancement can increase or decrease the size in relation to your facial proportions for a more balanced aesthetic.

• The septum— a deviated septum often causes breathing problems; however, nose surgery can effectively repair and realign the septum to help improve airflow through the nasal passages.

How is the Rhinoplasty Procedure Performed?

Rhinoplasty is performed under general anaesthesia. The duration of surgery is typically one to two hours. To begin, tiny incisions on the inside or outside of the nose are made to allow access to the nasal structure under the skin. Once the skin is opened, the cartilage and bone can be reshaped to form the foundation for the nose’s new aesthetic.

Open Rhinoplasty vs. Closed Rhinoplasty

The “open” and “closed” techniques are the two basic methods of performing rhinoplasty. In the open technique, the incision is placed on the columella in the area between the nostrils. This allows for optimal visibility and control over the operation. The closed technique places incisions internally for a faster rate of healing when compared to an open approach. During the initial consultation, Dr. Tawk can help determine which approach is the most beneficial according to your unique needs.

What is Recovery From a Rhinoplasty Like?

After surgery, patients may notice some swelling. This should dissipate within a few weeks, with minor swelling potentially experienced up to one year post-operatively. A splint, bandage, and/or gauze is applied following the procedure to immobilise the nose and facilitate the healing process. During recovery, patients are required to abstain from smoking for six weeks before and after surgery. Furthermore, corrective lenses and glasses should be taped up to minimise contact with the nose. The nose should also be very well protected from sun exposure for the first year after surgery.

The possibility of visible scarring differs based on the technique used during your operation. With the open technique, patients may notice some slight residual scarring where the incisions were made. However, individuals often report that existing scars appear significantly faded or virtually invisible once healing is complete. With the closed technique, there should be no visible scarring since the incisions are made internally—the exception is when a patient’s nostrils are narrowed, in which case fine scars at the nostril base are generally required.

The recovery process for rhinoplasty can often be accelerated with plenty of rest and limited movement. Patients may feel minor pain in the nasal area, but this discomfort can be managed with oral pain medication and/or cold compresses applied for the first 24 hours after surgery.